SendPro™ 300 Help Center > Mailing > Adding Postage to Meter > Withdraw Postage Funds from the Meter


Withdraw Postage Funds from the Meter

For a meter withdrawal, you need to move the remaining balance of postage from your meter into your Postage By Phone Account. Normally this is done if you are no longer going to use the meter.


Contact Pitney Bowes before withdrawing funds, see Pitney Bowes Contact List.


The machine must be connected to the Pitney Bowes Data Center to withdraw funds.

  1. From the Home screen select Mail.
  2. Select the Options button from the list on the left.
  3. Select Advanced Features.
  4. Select Meter Withdrawal.
  5. Select Transfer all funds.
  6. The system connects to the Pitney Bowes Data Center (this may take a few moments). The touchscreen displays the status of the process.
  7. The Transfer Successful screen displays. Select Continue.
  8. At the prompt Print Funds Report?, select Yes and insert an envelope or tape strip into the machine.



"Available" should show a zero ($000.000) dollar amount.