SendPro™ 300 Help Center > Mailing > Configure Your Mailing Machine > Enabling Scale Stabilizing


Enabling Scale Stabilizing

In a typical office environment, you may encounter ventilation systems occasionally blowing on the scale, accidental bumps to the scale and/or platform, and people dropping mail onto the platform. This could result in unstable weight readings and frequent scale re-zero operations. You can minimize these disturbances by enabling the scale stabilizing feature. Enabling this feature could cause a slight delay in scale response.

  1. From the Home screen select Mail.
  2. Select the Options button from the list on the left.
  3. Select Turn items ON/OFF.
  4. Select Scale Stabilizer.
  5. The current setting is listed on the screen. Follow the prompts to change the setting.
  6. Select Clear (back arrow) to return to the Mail screen.