SendPro™ 300 Help Center > Mailing > Configure Your Mailing Machine > Set Autodate Advance


Set the Autodate Advance

The feature is factory set to 12:00 AM. This means that at 12:00 AM, the system advances the date of the meter stamp to the new date.

You can set the system to advance the date of the meter stamp at 12:00 PM (afternoon) instead. With this setting, it allows you to meter mail in the afternoon for the next day's mailing if your mail is sent out in the morning.

  1. From the Home screen select Mail.
  2. Select the Options button from the list on the left.
  3. Select Time & Timeouts.
  4. Select Autodate Advance.
  5. Tap the empty text box at the top of the screen. The keypad opens.
  6. Enter a new time (i.e., 11:59)
  7. Select the Return key to save your entry.
  8. Select Switch AM/PM. The time will display at the top of the screen with the AM or PM assigned.
  9. You can choose to:
  10. Select Clear (back arrow) to return to Options menu.